Rogue Cave

We offer another interesting outing for a relaxing day or afternoon to the participants of the competition. We have previously mentioned the distinctive “rocking” stone which is a graphic element in the WMOC 2021 logo.

When en route to this landmark rocking stone, you will pass by other exciting stone formations such as Pogánykő and Pandúrkő (“kő” is stone in Hungarian) on the way to this unique granite cave, the Rogue Cave. The cave is in fact a cavity formed between huge stone blocks of Pandúrkő.

How do you find it? From the center of Pákozd we start at the trekking route marked by the the red cross, which leads out of the village through Ingókő Street, going north we reach the Pogány Stone (1.5 km), then we move on to a rocking stone resembling a cube standing on its edge. Near this, the yellow route branches off, descending approx. 200 meters till we reach the Pandúr stone. Despite the signs not clearly painted everywhere, the well cleared paths will help us to find the Pandúr Stone, at the western end of which is the Rogue Cave.