Hot Weather on LF

The circumstances for long final seems to be like previous days so hot weather can be expected. Due to this we expect the ideal running times to be exceeded.

We try to minimise the risk, so we put out more marshals, additional water control and there are more safety personnel.

Parallel the organising committee ask the following from you:

Increase your fluid intake before, during and after the race to prevent heatstroke.
If you think that your running time will be long, you are allowed to take a mobile phone with you to the course for your own safety. Please only use it in emergency situations to call the emergency number written on the back of your number bib!
If your running time seems to be longer than expected, please inform your teammates about that.
If you feel you can’t continue with your race, please stay at a control and ask for help from our marshals or the fellow competitors.
If you find someone who might need help, you are obliged to provide help. (rule 26.2)

Take care and good luck for the last race of WMOC 2021!


Jari Kymäläinen (SEA)

Ádám Lengyel (Event Director)